The universe of Cognitive Sciences

Cognitive Science is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the human mind and its processes, examining what cognition is, what it does and how it works. 
It includes research on reasoning, intelligence and behavior, especially focusing on how information is represented, processed, and transformed in processes such as perception, language, memory and emotions.

Cognitive Science draws from multiple research disciplines including Psychology, Philosophy, Neuroscience, Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence and Anthropology. 
Applications of Cognitive Sciences span for diverse domains from learning and decision making to logic and planning, neural circuitry and brain organization.

My research field in Cognitive Science is Judgement and Decision Making 

At the core of my PhD research is Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, and the study the interaction between data-driven insights and automation in decision-making with the objective to achieve a deeper understanding of the impacts provoked in businesses and organizations resulting from the infusion and adoption of advanced technologies in information systems and decision-making - most notably AI.

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