Monday, May 11, 2020

Understanding what happens when you breath (and how to apply in stress management)

Oxygen is the most important element to human life - far more important than food and water as we can go for days without those, however, can’t go more than a few minutes without air.

Automatic breathing has respiratory centers located on the upper brainstem (sometimes termed the lower brain, along with the cerebellum), a brain region controlling many involuntary and metabolic functions. Breathing is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which is is made up of 2 divisions:
  • the sympathetic nervous system which stimulates the body’s fight-or-flight response, and 
  • the parasympathetic nervous system which relaxes the body after stimulation
with two systems parallel processes:
  • inhaling, when the diaphragm moves down and the volume in the thoracic cavity increases, lungs filling with air and compressing the walls of the heart which in turn restricts blood flow going into and out of the heart. To compensate, our heart rate increases, stimulating our fight-or-flight response. To inhale energizes and expands us.
  • exhaling, when the diaphragm moves up and the volume in the thoracic cavity decreases, lungs empty the air inside which relaxes the body, grounding and stabilizing us.

There are different ways to breathe —in the way, style, and pace  - in which can have a dramatic impact on the state of the mind and body.  
Shallow breathing doesn’t give the body enough oxygen to function properly and such consistently type of breathing  increases stagnant air, residue, and pollutants accumulated in the lungs, leading to low energy and toxic buildup. Deep breathing, on the other hand, support healthier lungs ensuring oxygen to move through the blood and all cells, detoxifying, energizing, nourishing along the way. Chest breathing, uses secondary muscles of the upper chest and is designed for use in situations of great exertion, such as a sprint or race. Stressful situations typically meme this type of breathing, with tight shoulder and neck muscles, headaches and other magnified symptoms. Diaphragmatic breathing, coming from the body's dominant breathing muscle — the diaphragm - is the effective and efficient type of breathing, leading to feelings of relaxation instead of tightness. For many of us, this deep diaphragmatic breathing seems unnatural, however that is the right way, since shallow "chest breathing"  which in turn seems normal, will increases tension and anxiety, limiting the diaphragm's range of motion, because the lowest lowest part of the lungs doesn't get a full share of oxygenated air and a deep abdominal breathing, that encourages full oxygen exchange — that is, the beneficial trade of incoming oxygen for outgoing carbon dioxide. Not surprisingly, it can slow the heartbeat and lower or stabilize blood pressure.

A good reading from Harvard Medical School  about relaxation techniques and breath control helps quell errant stress response.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing; understanding the differences

AI and Cognitive Computing imply the broad concept about computers being capable of performing functions that human are used to perform and thus, they are often used as interchangeable terms. However, there are significant differences between AI and Cognitive Computing, that more and more are relevant to understand by everyone and , especially, by the people whose work may fall or act in the intersection of the two.

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines - and such processes include learning from constantly changing data, reasoning to make sense of data and, self-mechanisms to make decisions. Since human intelligence is rooted in sensing the environment (*), learning from the environment and processing the information from the environment, the aim of AI is, consequently, to simulate human senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch), simulate the learning and processing of data (machine and deep learning) and simulate the human responses (robotics).
AI applications have been developed around problem-solving, game playing, natural language processing, speech recognition, image processing, automatic programming, and, of course, robotics.

Cognitive Computing refers to individual technologies that perform specific tasks that facilitate human intelligence. Some of these have been around since the beginning of the internet, boosted in more recent years by breakthroughs in technology and computing power, making those technologies getting better and better at using data and algorithms to understand and simulate reasoning and human behavior. Cognitive computing applications include speech recognition, sentiment analysis, face detection, risk assessment, and fraud detection.

In summary, AI augments human thinking to solve complex problems and Cognitive Computing focuses on mimicking human behavior and reasoning to solve complex problems. In other words, Cognitive Computing tries to replicate how humans would solve problems while AI seeks to create new ways to solve problems that can potentially be better than humans.

AI is not intended to mimic human thoughts and processes but to solve a problem through the best possible algorithmCognitive Computing is not responsible for making the decision for humans but to supplement information for humans to make decisions.

The similarities and interchangeability in the use of these terms come foremost from the similar technologies behind both, that include machine learning, deep learning, NLP, neural networks, etc. 

And a final note: people do not fear Cognitive Computing as it is focused in supplementing human decision making - the fear is about AI systems being able to displace human decisions and functions.

(* environment = where data comes from)