Friday, September 18, 2020

Are generational differences a myth?

In the article The Myth of Generational Differences in the Workplace, researcher Jennifer J. Deal argues that working-age generations value the same thing. 

Everyone wants a good relationship with supervisors, are cautious of change, appreciate feedback and work the number of hours that corresponds to their role in the organization. 
This researcher argues that differences between generations have much more to have to do with dealing with the extent of authority between generations, especially in families and at work.

So, for myths and reality, here is a great article  resulting from a 5-Year Study that seams to reveals the truth about what each generation wants in the workplace (It's Not What You Think)  The article mentions that in this large study conducted by the Hay Group,  differences that were 
found between generations have more to do with the stage of development of employees, as opposed to their generation.