Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Too fast, too soon? Sweden backs away from screens in schools

Sweden recently announced that the country's schools will remove digital technology from classrooms because of poor student performance. Some ask how useful is digital learning. But it also poses the question: is "digital de-escalation" even possible?

Sweden’s Minister of Schools, Lotta Edholm, said children’s ability to read has deteriorated and their writing skills have weakened, and there are many reasons, the most important of which is their increased reliance on tablets and spending a lot of time in front of screens.

The Swedish Minister of Schools, under the supervision of the Minister of Education, had embarked some time ago on a reform of the country’s education system.
Moreover, the research already recommended ensuring a basic level of literacy and mathematics in the traditional way to create equal opportunities in the digital environment – rather than introducing more technological tools in the classroom.

The full article here.

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